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ABB Robotics R&D in China

April 17, 2018 - ABB Robotics is a pioneer in industrial and collaborative robots and advanced digital services. As one of the world's leading robotics suppliers, ABB is active in 53 countries and over 100 locations and has shipped over 300,000 robot solutions in a diverse range of industries and applications. ABB helps its customers to improve flexibility, efficiency, safety and reliability, while moving towards the connected and collaborative factory of the future. - ABB is working on the future of packaging automation as well as the Factory of the Future. Its YuMi robot is the first robot ever to be short-listed for prestigious design award from INDEX. ABB has a total of 2000 people in R&D of them, 150 people at ABB Robotics R&D in China. China and Sweden have the largest Robotics R&D operations at ABB. The demand for robotics almost doubled, especially from the 3C domain. The focus is on Simplification (intuitive), Collaboration (w/ people) and Digitalization (efficiency).

Countries: Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom (14)

Participants: 14

Event date : April 17, 2018


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