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Best Practices with Startups in China

March 20, 2019 - On March 20, we had very interesting exchanges on Best Practices with Startups in China among peers from 14 countries, colleagues from the S&T Diplomatic Circle. The main purpose was to compare notes on engagement and support of startups in China. While noting that no two countries' interests and capabilities are exactly the same, it has been very instructive to learn what approaches others have taken for successful startup support. Topics included greenfield investments, accelerator programs, landing pads, IP, business models, unicorns, stock exchange, startup factory, mapping sources, bucket funds and 'Why China?'. The aim was to share advice and recommendations among peers. The exchanges were very fruitful and will certainly continue!

Countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, EU Delegation, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (15)

Participants: 20

Event date : March 20, 2019


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