February 1, 2018 - The S&TDC informal meeting on "Best Practices" took part on February 1, 2018. The main purpose was to compare notes on engagement in science, innovation, education & innovation within the greater Shanghai region. While noting that no two regions' interests and capabilities are exactly the same, it was instructive to learn what approaches others have taken for successful collaboration. It was envisaged that each attendee would speak for 5-7 minutes, outlining the basic features of his/her country's science relationship with Shanghai, noting what has worked well and what has not, and why. The aim was to share advices and recommendations, where needed. Following that, the remaining time was available for general discussion.
Countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland (14)
Participants: 17
Event date : February 1, 2018