July 20, 2018 - The S&TDC was welcomed with an introduction to SIAC at the SIAC tower. SIAC is an automotive industry park and pilot zone in Jiading District of Shanghai, constructed in 2007 and covering 100 square km. Many Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), both foreign and Chinese are located there. SIAC is involved in three major innovations in the automotive industry: electric vehicles (EV), intelligent traffic systems (ITS) and autonomous vehicles. They also organize events and conferences, and they can act as a gateway to OEMs in the park. A visit was made to the EV data center at SIAC. SIAC gathers data from over 10,000 electric vehicles in Shanghai. Consumers that buy an electric car can get a free license plate if they agree to being tracked by SIAC. The raw data is not shared, but statistics can be used to plan the construction of charging stations, and also sales locations of EVs. Finally, the National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Pilot Zone was visited. SIAC is the first place in China where autonomous vehicles will be tested on public roads. This will be done in four phases. The plan is that autonomous vehicles will be tested on the highways connecting Jiading to the Hongqiao transportation hub during the fourth phase in 2020. The Pilot Zone is used by OEMs located in SIAC, such as BMW and NIO, to test their systems in a variety of settings before entering public roads.
Countries: Austria, Canada, European Union, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey (14)
Participants: 14
Event date : July 20, 2018